The Beginning: was founded in April of 2006 to provide a wide selection of dangling, standard, and hard to find belly button rings at very low cost. We feel there are very few high quality discount navel jewelry providers online. We also feel that most retail stores overcharge their customers (up to twice our prices) and provide a very limited selection of belly button rings. was founded to fill the void between high price retailers and low quality internet sellers. is over ten years old and we send out thousands of belly button rings every month. Our customers are located all over the US and Canada. We continually strive to provide our customers with the lowest costs and best service possible, because of that we qualified for an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau in Iowa along with our parent company, Clickstop, Inc.. Most orders are shipped out on the day after they are placed. Additionally, our central location in the US allows us to quickly ship to all other states.
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We would love to hear your input on our website, products, and customer service. Please let us know what we are doing that is good and bad! You can contact us by clicking Here. We will use your comments to even further improve our already great service.
Want to help even more? We ask that all satisfied customers help us by placing links to on their homepages, blogs, social network profiles, etc. As we grow larger, we are able to provide you with an increased product line and decreased pricing!
Business Development:
Any investment / business development inquiries can be directed to You may also reach us by mail, phone, or fax by viewing our contact us page.
At we're always interested in talking to the media and other online publications about products. You can reach us via email at or call 319-214-0742 and ask for the media team.